This month we are learning FOUR main ways to stand up for others when we see mean or bullying behavior. The people with the MOST power to end mean behavior is actually our kids. By ignoring mean and bullying behavior, they are sending the message that it's okay to continue doing that at Willow. But by saying something, they are letting the offender know that it is NOT okay and they are letting the victim know that they have support.
I use the NED Show video with Kindergarten through 5th grade, sending the message that there are 4 ways you can stand up; Interrupting, Be a Buddy, Say Something, or Tell Someone. Student council showed what these all looked like in specials classes in front of the school on Friday at our All-School Meeting.
All staff purchased a "Kind is the New Cool" shirt and wore them on Friday, while UPStanding students were awarded a t-shirt of their very own. Staff helped purchase half of the shirts while Willow River Parent Group purchased the other half for us.
Ask your child what they have been learning in guidance class this month and chat about what method of UPStanding they feel the most comfortable with.
We are VERY proud of our 15 students who have been nominated so far this year!
Ms. Cameron's class watching The NED Show clip on how to be an UPStander instead of a "bystander"
Students were encouraged to "Wear Blue" to support UPStanding on Friday - Look at this sea of blue at our All-School Meeting!
Willow River Staff support our students who are UPStanding!
Our AMAZING UPStanders!!