We all want our kids to be safe. We tell them about "stranger danger", though we try not to scare them. We want them to be smart about going with people they don't know well, always asking their parents first, and making good decisions.
Each year I show 2nd graders the "Safe Side" video, although this year I've decided to share it with 1st graders as well. While the main character Safe Side Super Chick is wacky and a gorilla shows up throughout the show, the tips included are valid - yet kids laugh throughout the movie too. We cover the "Hot Tips" at the end and their homework is to chat with their "Safe Side Adults" (parents, grandparents) and identify 3 more "safe side adults" that parents would trust to pick them up from school if they couldn't make it etc.
You can view the show on Youtube as a family and talk about other safety rules your house has to ensure a safe (and fun!) summer!
Safe Side