Thursday, January 16, 2020

Worry Boxes

Our Worry Warrior group concluded this week by making "Worry Monster Boxes" that they "feed" their worries to!  Students used empty Kleenex boxes to create their very own worry monster and they turned out great!  When dealing with a worry, group members can write down their worry and then put it in their worry monster box to "eat".  This helps students articulate their worries and physically "let go" of them.
Look at these adorable monsters!!!!!

Monday, January 13, 2020


Yes!  Your child knows what this means!  We talked about how our brains can grow connections by practicing things - even when they are hard.  Students learned about neurons and how they "talk" to each other to form neuropathways.  Some of our neuropathways are quite strong - things we can do automatically or have no difficulty with.  When we learn new things, our pathways are not strong YET, so we need to practice in order for things to get easier.
Just another scientific way to show how Growth Mindset is the real deal!
Chase and Sofia were our "neurons" today and we demonstrated with yarn how connections get stronger when we practice things!