Wednesday, May 20, 2020

School Counseling Virtual Lesson at Willow!

This has been hard.  I truly love my "gig" and seeing your kids each morning as they come in our doors to report an update on a loose tooth or to scoop a sad face into my office to help problem solve.  While I have felt a bit lost in all of this (as we all have!) finding creative ways to continue our learning and especially joining classroom hangs or doing small group games became my favorite thing of all. 

With so many options for online platforms and our teachers using those that students were familiar with, this meant I had half of my lessons posted to Google Classroom, some sent via SeeSaw by teachers, and others on Google Docs for students to do.  

I also acknowledge that during this time of chaos and trying to create a "new normal" in your homes, Life Skills may not have been a priority as you were attempting to understand Common Core math or recalling the difference between a pronoun, preposition, and whether it is "its'" or it's" - I certainly had my own struggles over here at my house trying to re-learn 2nd grade math!  Ha!  So I wanted to share out a document with all of the things I was teaching during this time, if your child missed the lessons or wanted something else to do!

My lessons are meant to allow students the chance to listen to a story that I read outloud to them and interject questions, comments and the usual antics they see when I'm teaching :)  None require materials with the exception of the solitaire games or dice games.  While I have them by grade, feel free to have your child explore the other lessons!  I also have "for everyone" options that are solitaire games I fondly remember playing as a kid and dice games that my family and I have learned and enjoy playing.

While "formal school" ends on Friday, I am still available to do small group Google hangs - these have been the brightest spot in my day!  You can use my sign up sheet or simply send an email to!  

I will see you all on pick up day!!  I can't wait to see my Willow family again!

Mrs. Flier (aka Sarah)