Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Breakout EDU - MINDSET!

Several cycles ago, we talked about Mindset in 4th grade.  We read Julia Cook's "Bubble Gum Brain" and talked about how a growth mindset meets challenges with a positive attitude and how when we try difficult things it is helping our brain grow stronger.  When we have "brick brain" and we quit things that seem too difficult, we miss out on growing our brain.

Students in 4th grade were given several puzzles related to a growth mindset and the brain - challenges that had them practicing using a growth mindset!  For each puzzle completed, they received a clue that helped unlock one of three locks on a box that contained a prize.

The prize?!?!  Since Mrs. Flier loves play-on-words, eraser brains because a strong brain makes mistakes and learns from them!!

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