Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Wolfie Goes to Work!!

How much does your child know about your career?  Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were a kid?  What are all of the different careers in your family?  What careers have you had over your lifetime?  

This year I am trying a new project to get kids asking questions about careers in their family.  What types of training did family members have?  Where do they work?  What do they like about their job?

Fourth graders will be bringing "Wolfie" home and getting a picture taken of Wolfie at their family member's work or wearing/near something that can signify the job.  Students then will interview this person about their job and write a report up so we can learn more about the careers of our Willow River family!  Wolfie will get to visit every family over the next few months and we can't wait to see what we learn!

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