Friday, May 3, 2019

Third Grade knows the difference between "Rude, Mean, and Bullying!"

Third graders have been learning about the difference between rude behaviors, mean behaviors, and bullying behaviors the past few lessons in guidance.  Students have been looking at scenarios and using the definitions we've learned to determine what each behavior sounds like.  Rude behaviors are those that are accidental, impolite, or when we are only thinking about ourselves (i.e. budging in line, blurting).  Mean behaviors are done on purpose once or twice and sometimes out of anger.  Bullying is defined as behavior that is meant to harm/on purpose, repeated over time, and an imbalance of power/one-sided.
In our last lesson, students worked in groups to categorize different scenarios.  The discussions at each table were amazing and students were critical thinkers!

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