Friday, March 27, 2020

4th Grade - Mindful Nature Walk

Friday was the PERFECT day to try the Mindful Nature Walk that I had sent you all home with.  I hope you have found the time and chance to try this at least once since we have left school.  While I have been going for walks every day, I have not taken the time to be really mindful.  I've had a lot on my mind between my own daughter's education here at home, how to still connect with each of you, and how sad I am to not see my friends that I work with.  So on this walk, I really tried hard to just BE.  I focused on my feet and how they felt hitting the pavement.  I paid closer attention to the colors and the signs of spring around me.  I gave my "Monkey Mind" a few breaths to pay attention to.  I have to admit, I started to think about other things that was worrying me or on my mind, but I tried to let them "float down the river on a leaf" like we practiced earlier this year!

I know you probably miss school and seeing your friends.  Maybe things feel really stressful right now and you're worried about the unknown too.  This, more than ever, is a great time to practice mindfulness.  I would love to see any pictures or videos from YOUR Mindful Nature Walks!  :)  If you have not already joined my Google Classroom, use code: y4xcojq for our upcoming "lessons"!

 Wicket joined me for our walk today!  

The bright colors of this Red Asure Dogwood made me pause and just notice.  Pictures never do it justice, but it was so pretty with the beige background!

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