Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Every year I start off running "New Student Groups" which is more of a casual group where we eat lunch together but gives me the chance to check in with new students to see how they're doing, answer any questions they might have, and ensure they are feeling supported here at Willow as they transition into our building. 
I also begin my "Family Change" groups right away in the fall.  Some parents reach out to me at different points in the year to inquire about such groups, which is helpful since I do not always know the family dynamics - that and families are changing all the time!  If your child lives between two homes (whether its recent or its been years) and you feel they would benefit from a group that offers support, conversation with peers, and a safe space to talk about how they manage in their two homes, please reach out and let me know so I can send an invite home.  My email is and my phone number is 715-377-3880 X2610
Groups later in the year revolve around social skills and study skills, which often takes some time to surface as they year gets off to a solid start.  We will also have our "Co-Facilitated Groups" which are run with a licensed therapist as well as myself. 
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions as to how I can help support your child's emotional, social, and academic needs!

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