Thursday, September 5, 2019

Reviewing Our Tools!

Welcome Back!!  Our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders have been reviewing the problem solving tools they have been taught since Kindergarten.  These tools help us solve "small" problems - those that kids can solve themselves.  We also acknowledge that there are problems that are "big" and require help from a grown up.  These might not necessarily be emergencies, but things an adult would be better suited to help us with (i.e. I forgot my lunch!).
Students created different scenarios, identified the size of the problem, and what tool they could use to help solve the problem.  We then compared small problems to rocks and big problems to bricks.  One very strong volunteer came to the front and as we shared our group's scenarios, we added a brick or a rock for them to hold.  It became quite heavy, as you can imagine!  We talked about how with all of these in our hands, we couldn't go run and play at recess, we couldn't do our homework, and we couldn't comfortably visit with friends.  By talking about the tools we could use, we took each brick or rock off, one by one.  
Students were encouraged to identify their problems this year as rock problems/small problems (ones you can solve yourself!) and brick problems/big problems (find an adult!!)

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